Lyfe in Pixels

We Game for Online Role Playing Fun!

Guest Contributor: “The Misuse of Live Streaming on Twitch”


Check out what my guest contributor buddhistwriter92 has to say about “Community Ethics and Twitch Revised Rules of Conduct Part 2”


Now of course I would normally have no problem writing about gaming considering the wide variety of video games that I play everyday. However, since my blog is about feminism, the post “Community Ethics and Twitch Revised Rules of Conduct Part 2” struck home. This post discussed how certain streamers on “Twitch” have become quite popular not because of their talent as gamers, but unfortunately because of their sex appeal. The post discussed the case of one particular streamer known as “Kristiplays” who has gained popularity on the site due to her grotesquely large breasts.

Now of course, Kristiplays isn’t violating any of the rules of conduct created by Twitch.  She’s fully clothed and certainly isn’t wearing anything that can be deemed sexually promiscuous.  But does this mean she considers herself a true, authentic gamer? No.

After doing a bit of research on “Kristiplays” (which also revealed the information that she is a known porn star under the name Kristi Lovett), I felt that I had further evidence to back up my point.

As I watched the Youtube video of her playing League of Legends on Twitch, I saw a number of very sexually explicit comments being made towards her… which I’d like to think any other female gamer on Twitch would object to, I saw that she clearly had no objection to the sexually explicit comments being made to her whatsoever.  Furthermore, as I watched a few of the videos on her Youtube channel that included several titles with sexual innuendoes in them (such as “Check out these HUGE “dunes”) it seemed as though her Twitch stream and even some her videos on Youtube seem to be just one big advertisement for her porn career.

Here’s why I take offense to this and I believe others should as well: While I have no problem with anyone choosing a career as a porn star, I do have a problem with porn stars that use other types of media to advertise their porn careers,  including people on Twitch.

Let’s keep gaming videos about gaming, and not about the careers of porn stars.


3 thoughts on “Guest Contributor: “The Misuse of Live Streaming on Twitch”

  1. Totally agree… Saw her streaming tonight and was shocked. How do Twitch let this kind of shit go on?! I’m sure people have reported her…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I completely agree. It just bothers me how there seems to be an audience willing to watch this on a streaming sight.


  3. Sex sells, why do you even need to use gaming to market, as with all things you should have a portfolio of work to convince people from both a consumer and a employer side.

    Liked by 1 person

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